TapCheck - Know Your Water

At HackWSU (Wayne State University), we were challenged with the task of creating an application to solve a water quality issue. We soon realized that many of Americans are not aware of recent water quality violations and issues with their near by public water systems (PWS). To solve this issue, we created an Amazon Alexa skill to supply the users with this crucial information. Click below to find out about the use, documentation, and more.

  • National Environmental Health Association's Innovative App Award
  • $1,000 cash prize
  • $1,000 stipend to attend NEHA's Annual Educational Conference in Grand Rapids, MI

Blooming Garden - Automated Plant Care

At SpartHack (Michigan State University), my team and I worked on an automated home garden. The idea behind Blooming Garden was to optimize plant growth through machine learning. Webcams and Arduino sensors monitor plant health, temperature, and humidity. Data gathered is used to grow the next plant better, eventually optimizing each plant regardless of local climate. We had a heatlamp and water pump attached to a toggable power source, providing an emergency on/off function via Alexa or the website we created. The garden could hold and water multiple plants using a rotating metal arm attached to an Arduino, water hose, and pump. Click below to find out about the use, documentation, and more.

  • First place submission to SpartaHack 2017 out of 700 participants
  • Adjust water pump and lighting from anywhere using Amazon Alexa, website, or X-keys Input
  • Software: PHP, Python, NodeJs, Java, Javascript
  • Hardware: Arduino sensors and motor, rotating-arm attached to water pump, Raspberry Pis, webcams, heat lamp, X-keys programmable keyboard